Starting in the fall of 2026, MCSA will revert back to age groups based on the seasonal year (school year). This is how all Ky Youth Soccer groups played prior to the change in 2017. This will line up age groups better and provide less age gaps in the groups.
Starting with the 2026-27 season, the U.S. Soccer Federation will provide youth soccer governing bodies with flexibility in determining their player registration and age group formats.
There has been ongoing discussions between U.S. Soccer and some of its key members – such as US Youth Soccer, US Club Soccer, AYSO and others – in determining which registration format is most effective. While the change from School Year (Aug. 1 – July 31) format to Birth Year (Jan 1 – Dec. 31) format was made back in 2017, there has been a recent push by many members to change back again over to School Year.
Instead of choosing one or the other, U.S. Soccer has announced plans to allow governing bodies to create their own plans. See below for the full announcement from U.S. Soccer, outlining the new path forward for how youth soccer age groups will be structured in the future.
U.S. Soccer Federation Update on Player Registration Path Forward
U.S. Soccer and our members are committed to growing participation and providing the best experiences to participants at all levels. U.S. Soccer has a number of initiatives focused on supporting the growth of soccer in America, and is constantly listening and learning on how to best support those bringing soccer to life all across the country.
We’ve gotten very clear feedback: members need the flexibility to organize their player registration calendar based on what will best support soccer in their environment and communities. U.S. Soccer members want more kids to experience the joy of soccer — and to offer the optimal opportunity for each player’s desired development.
Starting in the fall of 2026, members and leagues will have reasonable flexibility to choose the best registration option for their participants.
- The Seasonal Year shall be from September 1 through August 31 as defined by the United States Youth Soccer Association.
- The Birth Year is not concurrent with the Seasonal Year. The birth year shall be from January 1
through December 31.
FRISCO, Texas (October 23, 2024) – Today, US Youth Soccer, US Club Soccer, and AYSO released the following statement.
In 2017, U.S. Soccer decided to change the age eligibility for team rosters from August 1-July 31 to January 1-December 31. Since that time, we have been reviewing the impact on our sport, specifically for players of all ages and competitive levels, and comparing the practical results to the communicated goals and outcomes.
Over the past few months, U.S. Soccer, at the urgence of its Technical Development Committee, has engaged in a review of that decision. We support these efforts and appreciate their approach to engage organizational members, leagues and clubs in collecting feedback. Additionally, US Youth Soccer, US Club Soccer, and AYSO have solicited and shared additional feedback with one another in an effort to make the most informed and appropriate decision for our sport.
Skip Gilbert, US Youth Soccer CEO
Mike Cullina, US Club Soccer
Doug Ryan, AYSO National President
– USYS –